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Do Seniors Need Life Insurance? Here’s What You Should Consider

Our financial needs and responsibilities evolve as we age, leading many seniors to question whether they need life insurance. Is life insurance still relevant when the mortgage is paid off, the kids are grown, and retirement savings are in place? For many, life insurance provides a sense of financial security and peace of mind. For others, it may no longer be a priority. Understanding the factors behind your choice to purchase or maintain your life insurance policy can help you make an informed decision.

Evaluating the Need for Life Insurance in Retirement

When evaluating your need for life insurance, consider several key factors. First, assess whether you have financial dependents, such as a spouse, children, or grandchildren, who rely on you for income or support. Life insurance could help provide for their needs if they face financial difficulties in your absence.

Next, consider any outstanding debts, including a mortgage, medical bills, or personal loans, as these obligations could burden your loved ones after your passing. Also, consider final expenses, such as funeral and burial costs. Life insurance can help cover these major expenses and reduce financial stress on your family during a difficult time.

When Life Insurance May Not Be Necessary

Life insurance may not be necessary for financially independent seniors who have no dependents relying on them for income or support. You may not need additional coverage if your children are grown and self-sufficient and your spouse or partner has adequate financial resources.

Get Coverage with Garrison Insurance Group in Lilburn, GA

Garrison Insurance Group offers term and whole life insurance policies in Lilburn, GA, and the surrounding areas. Call us today to discuss your coverage needs.

What do I need to think about when getting a new life insurance plan?

If you live in Lilburn, GA, you will need various forms of insurance. One significant type of coverage is life insurance. When shopping for life insurance, you need to consider many factors. Considering these factors, you can select the best plan possible for your situation.

Amount of Coverage

When shopping for life insurance, you need to consider the amount of coverage you need. Generally, life insurance should rank high on your priority list to ensure your dependents are adequately supported and covered. Even lacking dependents doesn’t lessen the need for life insurance; covering any end-of-life expenses for your loved ones would still be beneficial. Ultimately, the level of coverage is a personal decision and will vary from one situation to another.

Type of Plan

Another area you should think about is the type of plan you should choose. There are various options when it comes to life insurance. A term life insurance plan is a popular choice as it often features more affordable premiums and provides coverage for a particular period. In contrast, whole life insurance tends to be costlier but boasts investment advantages.

Getting life insurance in Lilburn, GA, should be a top priority. If you are looking to establish a new policy in this locale, reach out to our team at Garrison Insurance Group. They will provide the necessary support to create a new life insurance plan that meets all your needs.

What value comes with a life insurance plan here?

Anyone who is living in the Lilburn, GA area will want to make sure they are properly covered with insurance. One type of coverage all people need to have is life insurance. This is a valuable form of insurance that offers various forms of support and benefits to both policyholders and the beneficiaries of the plan. 

Financial Support for Dependents and Loved Ones

One of the primary reasons to have a life insurance plan is so you can offer financial support for those that you care about. If you have individuals in your life who rely on you and your source of income, the life insurance plan can offer financial protection and coverage for future expenses. Even if you do not have dependents, life insurance can offer support for end-of-life expenses that could be incurred by those you care about. 

Investment Benefits

In some situations, you can use life insurance as an investment tool. Whole life insurance is a unique type of coverage that offers insurance for the rest of your life as long as premiums are paid. An added benefit is that a portion of your life insurance payment will build in an account that will grow in value over the years. This can make it a great addition to any investment plan. 

Consult With Us

If you are looking for a life insurance plan in the Lilburn, GA area, you can quickly find there are a considerable number of options and factors to consider. Once you are ready to start the search for your next insurance plan, it would be a great idea to call our team of professionals from the Garrison Insurance Group. Our team with the Garrison Insurance Group knows how valuable this coverage is, and they can offer ongoing guidance and support as you build a new policy. 

Why Life Insurance is Necessary When you Turn 65

When you reach a certain age, like the age of 65, it might be time to think about obtaining life insurance.  Most people tend to retire at this age, and it could be beneficial to your loved ones if you were to pass away.  Our team at Garrison Insurance Group serving Lilburn, GA could work with you in finding the right type of life insurance plan for your needs.

Why Life Insurance?

Protects your Family

As was mentioned earlier, something could potentially happen to you when you turn 65 depending on your health.  In this case, you need financial protection for your spouse and children.  It could also be vital if you have children with special needs.  Most people buy life insurance to protect their families financially.

It’s Necessary if You’re in Debt

When you reach the age of retirement, you’ll likely be out of debt.  However, that isn’t always the case.  Many seniors are still paying off a mortgage or even have some student loan debt left.  A recent report study showed that 32% of people aged 70 and over were still making house payments in 2019.  If you are going through this, it’ll be best to have life insurance to pay off those debts.  It makes it easier to alleviate debt relief.

Life Insurance is an Important Aspect of your Financial Plan

If you have some financial goals for the future, having a life insurance plan could make it easier to achieve them.  Whether it is starting or growing a business, paying down debt, or just wanting to leave some financial protection for your family, having a life insurance plan makes things easier for you.  Work with a good insurance advisor in choosing a plan that’ll suit your financial goals.

Contact our Office Today

If you just turn 65, you must get life insurance to protect your family’s needs, pay down debt, or have it be a part of your financial plan.  Contact our Lilburn, GA office at Garrison Insurance Group to help you find the right plan today.    

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